Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday, November 1

We had a great day today, once we got the heck out of here. After a fussy morning and me chasing after a horrible mystery smell (it was pumpkin seeds, still in the pumpkin gloop, sitting in a little bowl, looking as mild and harmless as can be, stanking of death and fish and sewage!!!! who knew?) unsuccessfully and deciding that I never wanted to be back in this house ever again, we got out and things got better almost immediately.

We met up with our fave family at a beautiful local park and played for hours. It was cold in the shade but warm in the sun and the kids truly did FROLIC, as Greta likes to joke. They rolled down the hills and ran and climbed and screamed and shouted and threw rocks and sticks and we didn't have to feel like we were "gonna get in trouble" like we did at the metro park, haha. I got 5 people, 3 bikes and a stroller into my smallish minivan and i am proud of that, everyone got to ride and play. They got to see a ton of mallard ducks up close, and Charlie "fed" them litle wood chips for over a half hour.

As I mentioned on my B+B blog, today is Charlie's birthday, and, for the first time in...well, let me do the math....10+7+4+2=23........twenty three birthdays of my children, not a single card or phone call was made to us or the dear baby. I wiped away stinging tears when I checked the mailbox in front of my friend, after seeing that only pizza coupons and a phone bill had come, and that no-one besides Dada was on the caller ID today. I wonder what mass oversight occurred and most importantly, why.

It was a really nice day, and we had our friends back to the house for dinner. It was so completely adorable to see the seven kids sitting around the table all together--and me and my friend got to/had to go eat in the living room and listen to them practicing their best table manners (LOL) while we snuck in a few adult stories together, if only for 10 minutes.

The day that started out so badly, ended up incredibly fun and as always, fresh air, getting out, and spending time with people who you truly enjoy is always the cure for whatever ails me. (and getting those haunting pumpkin seeds out of the house! PEW!)

If I didnt say it enough times, Happy Birthday , dear Lindey-bean. We love you more than you will ever know.


Barbnocity said...

Happy Birthday Charlie!!! Simon says he's not a baby anymore because he is two!!!



Kelley said...

I'm sorry you don't have more family support. I really am. I'm glad you were able to salvage the day, and make it wonderful. Sometimes going outside is the ONLY thing that can save a day.