Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday December 10th

Working on cards
Greta sewed a hat for Kitty!
Charlie uses glue when we sew.

Mickey sewing a shirt for his toy monkey.

So, I am "out" with the pregnancy news now, and hope you can now fill in the blanks as to why I haven't been blogging. Between work and scraping myself together for the children. sitting down to write has been way down on this list. As i enter the 2nd trimester, I feel myself becoming alot more my old self and that is very very welcome.

Of course, homeschool is happening, learning is happening, our math curriculum is a big success, and we always spend alot of December with various scouting Christmas parties, working on handmade gifts, and baking. I will be honest and say we haven't really baked lately as the kitchen is a scary place that has all sorts of smells and imagery that keeps pregnant Mama at bay...but we did have a one big cookie day with our homeschooling friends a couple of weeks ago and it was really fun!

We have family gatherings, birthday parties, skating rink trip, Girl Scout party and somehow, shopping all to do. Like everyone else. Except we share a car and work 'round the clock and I am starting to panic just a smidge about how this is all gonna happen this year with the one car and me working. Sundays? Oh well. Once January comes, it will be 4+ months of cold cold cold and school school school and so it all balances out.


Kelley said...

I love these pictures. Your kids look so happy and peaceful, even Baby Charlie. :) I'm glad you are doing so much better.

Lots of love,

Wedgehead said...

Are there any more kiddies in the future?

Barbnocity said...

Congratulations again!!! I love the new pics of your kiddos!!

Thank you a thousand thank yous for babysitting yesterday!!!
