Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Toy Land Joy

Do you love it, do you love it, do you love it???? On the day after birthday, Christmas, Hanukkah, anything, it feels so great. All the pressure is past, and all the memories and new toys are here, signaling in ideas of a whole new life, a whole new start. Perfect timing if you ask me-- as we are in for 4 to 5 months of a loong Michigan winter followed by 2 months of mud and then a new baby--and playing with the angry cat and the broken crayons was getting extremely sad and boring.

I moved around 2 rooms already since 8pm last night and have big plans for more changes. I love to move furniture, I love it I love I love it. We really got such winning stuff this year, we really put alot of thought into what will be FUN and for the first time ever we bought stuff well ahead of time, and I have a job, and my Grandma sent us a very unexpected check. What do we want to be cooped up with all winter, homeschoolers with "no car" and a pregnant mom? Well now, we have GeoTrax for the kids to build, all new playdoh soft and fresh, electronic handheld thingies that we got amazing secret deals on through Ebay and friends of friends and resale shops, crafty stuff and building stuff and Eyeclops and books and ummm did I fail to mention that Santa Claus brought us a ROLLER COASTER and a Nintendo Wii? I am not kidding and I couldn't be more happy about this. Our house really was boring and now it really is fun. I can't wait to have friends over as soon as I tidy up some!!!

The kids have been running and jumping and rolling and boxing and bowling and sweating and asking me for "more water!" all morning while I slowly, slowly begin the process of being a wife and mother again, putting this pit sty of a house back together after 3 months of working and being pregnant and a semi-broken washer (you have to be there to switch each "mode" but we just figured out how to "rig" it 2 days ago so it has been one busy washer!) I am off work all this week and only work one night next week, so I am gonna be a full time Mom and Wife and person and all hopes are quite high for "getting it together", my absolute favorite and yet very unobtainable lately goal.

We have people to invite over and things to do and places to go and I am really trying hard to overcome the lingering nausea and tiredness because as good as it feels to lay in the couch, it is starting to feel even better to be a person and not a zombie. (I recently saw a TShirt that came in toddler sizes up to Mens XXL that said "I survived the first trimester" and I so, so understood)

So, here's to a great Christmas, here's to getting this sty back together for New Years and here's to feeling super happy about STUFF, THINGS, and MATERIAL POSSESSIONS. It really is okay to have great fun toys and to enjoy them! Off to go see if I can beat Casey at Wii-Boxing, he is undefeated in our family and it really gets my heartrate up (although lately, so does walking, sitting up, making another sandwich....)


Unknown said...
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Kelley said...

Yay! I'm so glad you had a fun Christmas, and that you are starting to feel like a person again. Good thing those two things coincided. :)

I think out of all the gifts we got this year, my favorite is a book from my sister. It's called "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey, and I am so excited I could burst. We've been at the bottom of a very deep pit for a very long time, and I'm starting to see there is a world outside. Yay!

Good luck on getting your house back together. My husband was very kind, and cleaned up a TRASHED living room Christmas night, and now I feel like I can function again. I'm so sad he had to go back to work already.

Rixa said...

I love the day after Christmas. You actually get to sleep till a normal hour, the kids are busy playing with their new toys, and all of the busyness and cooking and excitement has faded away. You can eat leftovers and just chill.

Too bad we're all getting colds/sniffles, AGAIN. grrrrr