Sunday, July 6, 2008

Miss Mason, I didnt forget you,,,well I didnt mean to anyhow!

If anyone still reads this poor dear old beloved thing, let me promise you one thing:
I am still here, we are still going to homeschool, and I have been incredibly fortunate enough to be back on track when i was so lost and so doubt-filled: We are giving Charlotte Mason a try again. but this time, no pregnancies, no babysitting, no bartending, no moving to a new house.

(thank you Kelley XOXOXOXO)

It is July, I am 3 weeks postpartum, and so now I return to Karen Andreola's classic, A Charlotte Mason Companion. Chapter one. Literally touching this book makes me feel good and right and wonderful. Its all lumpy from reading it so many times in the bathtub--LOL makes me love it even more, coffee stains, jelly on it...: )

I dont know if it will ever be possible to explain to you all the void that has been in my life and how much worrying and wondering I have sufferted through once we stopped using this approach to living and learning. It is going to be a long road, especially for the older kids, to reel them back from Cartoon Network and Nintendo back to Nature Notebooks and Poetry, but when our "Big Talks" happen in August, it is going to be made abundantly clear that this is our last year of trying to homeschool or else we will try school. Not as a threat, not as a punishment, not as a failure, but as a simple fact.

These children need consistency and structure and goodness, they deserve it, it is their right, and I am about 95% sure that we can do this. We have moved to a dear and small and simple and cheerful house that is so perfect for the kind of lifestyle we want to live realy helps!

I love them so much and I feel so sure and good in my heart about this. Looking forward....


sneakmastergeneral said...

I still read this blog, yay a post!

Kelley said...

I'm still here, Joy. Good for you on the fresh start. It feels good, doesn't it?

I agree with you about consistency being so important. That is why I put Josh back in school. I'm hoping that I can get my act back together this year so I can pull him out again. We'll see....

Kelley said...

BTW, I want to hear more about this delightful little house you've moved into.

Michelle said...

Well....I will post on this topic anyway. CM is great stuff for homeschooling; I've used it for years, as you know, and the great thing about it is the flexibility and the "mothercenteredness" of it in the sense that it places mom where she can make it all work for her; as well as giving the kids what they need. I have looked at every homeschool curriculum idea out there over the last 20 years and CM is the only philosophy I've been able to feel comfortable with. Good job!