Thursday, February 15, 2007

lovely tangents and fantabulous connections

Today we talked about the Bermuda Triangle. It was just me and Mickey and Greta. We had a good time, with me reading something I found online, and them asking one trillion questions and us off shooting off shooting so much that we had to actually stop and write down all of our tangents! Some tangents that came of our planned talk on the Bermuda Triangle:
What does octopus eat?
What animals were sent in space before humans? How did they fare?
What is Bermuda like?
Why is it called Florida Keys?
Why the globe is to scale and the flat-map is not...
Do sailboats have a motor?
Are there gas stations at sea?
How did they doctor that photo of Nessie way back then?
Who was Poseidon again?
Is believing in God considered superstition? What about believing in Nessie?
Why are all these ships called the "SS" such-and-such?
Are there waterspouts (water tornados) in small lakes?
What was in the lifejackets back before they invented foam?

In school, I am sure the first two of these questions would have been met with a tight smile and a shhhh shhhh and the third would have gotcha out-in-the-hall for INTERRUPTING.
We didn't get past all of this Bermuda Triangle stuff today, but thats what I kind of always wanted the homeschool to be. A respectful fantastical infinite round-table discussion group where no question is stupid, where nobody is the only Knowledge-Dispenser, and only by virtue of the natural authority of being Mom, do I get the right to gently steer the whole event.

If this is "unschool" then so be it. But all I know is that the gears were really turning and I had another day of protecting my children's minds from being shut down, squelched, or discouraged from thinking thinking thinking.

Well, they want the computer again so I must log off! We have to look up Poseidon before Casey gets up from his nap--he has been promised the use of the computer if he stays in his bed, and this is day three of him doing so!

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