Monday, April 2, 2007


Ladies and gentlemen...
we have a minivan now!!!!!!

We are the proud owners of a minivan, we traded Christine the Haunted and Cursed Volvo wagon for a beautiful leather interior (sorry cows) 1996 windstar. Love it. I'll love it more when it is slathered and bumperstickers!

We got it last Thursday and have had 5666 adventures already. We went to campfire scouts and burger king and checked out a daycare for Casey (long story for another entry) a park, shopping, a million errands, Whirly ball with our friends...but now we all are kind of sick with headcolds. I guess theres one thing for being locked in your home for almost 4 months---less germs!

Greta has a best friend from girl scouts whom she wants to go visit this week---it will sure be nice to be able to take the kids to more stuff like this as they grow into their own friends more. Mickey has the cutest cheerfullest little boy from campfire that he loves,to, and I wonder if they will be having their own playdates coming up. (I sure hope so, I really like the mom!)

So, although we are sick, and the glistening van in the driveway is beckoning us, we will stay hometoday and try to get well soon! Tomorrow is my birthday and I am almost always sick on my birthday. Arggg.

More adventures soon...


Hawksbill said...

Woot! Congratz about the car! Very nice!!!

And, happy birthday! :)

Housefairy said...

Thanks! SO excited to start being normal(ish) again.

Barbnocity said...

See, if I was reading blogs like I should be, I would have known yesterday was your birthday :( Happy Belated birthday!!! I hope it was awesome!!

So glad about teh car, too!! Woo hoo!!! Nothing like having wheels again!!!