Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday October 3 update

I have lots of big ideas but no time to post them so here is just an update!

She is absolutely flourishing in her school. I am incredibly impressed with the subjects she is learning, the work she is producing and the stories she is sharing with me. Only one minor run in with some snotty "mean girls" which was prompty handled by 2 teachers and seemed to barey phase Greta. She loves her homework, loves math (!!!!!!!!!!) and the teachers adore her. She doesnt grumble in the mornings, she is eager to do her homework and to egt everything in on time, and just basically is rockin out and we are astonished and so so proud at the grace with which she has transitioned into school. We attribute a ton of this good attitude to her days as a respected homeschooled little one who didnt have to "Endure" a bunch of bullcrap to get her basics down pat.

He is doing really well on his assignments, getting grades like 19/20 on little spelling tests and such, making nice friends, trying new foods, etc. He is having a very hard time getting up so early and seems a little down sometimes. He has to be deeply cajoled to do his homework or really anything on his allowance chart such as preparing his outfit or brushing his teeth even! Lazy boy.He has an excellent sweet and very very loving and connected teacher whom he is close to. He misses me and i think the days are a bit long for him but he is doing well otherwise. He is full of happy stories about his days and seems to completely "get" what it is he is supossed to do all day and enjoying it all.

He is overwhelmed. Confused. Lots of micro-tragedies seem to be consuming his days. He didnt get his dessert. So and so kicked him. They lost his pillow. They wont let him go potty. He lost his quarters. He already knows "triangle" and "The color green" and "A is for Apple". He is tired, he has been sick since the first week pretty much, and he is overwhelmed with all the rules they bombard you with in Kindergarten. I liken it to boot camp, break their spirits so you can then control their minds. Understandable. Its crowd control. There are rules in this life young man. Toughen them up. Except I dont want that for my little Casey. The other two are living proof which I did not need anyway that you can be a fine student without all that boot camp. I think Casey is way too young and bored and sad and they are stifling and smothering him.

I have had pulling him out of Kindergarten on my mind, and I am re-reading Home Grown Kids by the Moores, authors of several other fascinating and solid books such as Better Late Than Early, and School Can Wait. I do not want to do anything hasty, but it is on the "front burner", I promise you. The last thing we are "about" as a family is squelching little kids and breaking their hearts and telling them thats nothow we draw flowers honey or you cant go to the bathroom! Grrr

It is funny to me that I am actually fearing/dreading the backlash of "people" if we pulled little Casey out and brought him back home--when here we were a complete, all the way till 12th grade homeschooling family out and proud and in your face with the bumperstickers and all just this August. I dont care, but I am not looking forward to it. School isnt even compulsary here until age 6 and homeschooling is totally legal so it would be one little letter to type but I want to wait and think about what we would do that would be really great and not just watch Noggin and fight. (NOthing wrong with that but I want more or else the taxation on Charlie and Eska and myself would seem to be lost. I want to show Casey a really enriching incredible year and well right now I am just getting back into the swing of things like taking a shower and being off medications kniw?)

My mental health has just just started to get strong again and I want to be careful. Even though today I liken his school days as about on par with a mediocre daycare, he also does have some happy stories and some cute little friends and seems to enjoy some of it. So I am reading, soul searching, studying, preparing and thinking. Would him being home turn me back into that screaming swearing Mama again with the chaotic house and the omnipresent TV blaring? Did we throw the baby out with the bathwater by sending Casey to school---I mean, its so ironic and strange really that this whole "School" thing started with the notion that "If Casey goes to school we can have some peace to teach the older kids..." and then BAM post partum depression and loss of family life as anyone knew it and all three are sent to school! Strange.

I have peace and quiet now. Me and Charlie and ESka have the most darling gentle little days imaginable and it is heavenly.
I have my entire life to listen to classical music and sip coffees and sweep the floors and make uninterrupted phone calls. Casey only has one childhood and I vowed to do the VERY BEST by my kids every single year. As of now, I dont know what is best. They were off school Tuesday and I was ready to dig for an old Vicodin by 11am. Casey was insane, outside breaking the neighbor's fence, hitting Charlie, defying me, and I was crying, cursing, and shaking just like I was 2 months ago. BUT....they were also off school Wednesday and it was wonderful. We went to a park with some friends and he played nicer than anyone could imagine, for hours upon hours in the cold.

So if/when Casey is back home, things will not be like they are now. I will need to dig VERY deep as to what would be an appropriate "homeschool day" for him, and see if what I come up with would be a detriment to Eska or Charlie. I would need filed trips, daily activities, trips, a tight schedule, (and energy and a little money and a few supplies) to make it work. He isnt a "sit around and read or whatever" kind of boy. Little does he know how intently I am studying him when he is home right now....

thats all for now!


Anonymous said...

hey joy,

i don't think i've ever commented on this blog, but i do on breast and belly sometimes, and now that i've made the when i have kids i'm home/unschooling plunge i've been reading here too.

you've probably thought of this a million times, but have you looked at what casey is eating? i have a 14 year old brother who is extremely sensitive to food (he won't admit it though). anytime he eats processed food, not naturally occurring sugar, drinks prepacked juice or pop he he is royal terror while my other brother and i could eat all that no problem. i don't anymore because i just don't live that lifestyle anymore, but i'm pretty sure if i got back into those foods after so long off them i'd probably react similarly.

anyway, just a though i'm sure you've already thought of.

also sure you've thought of this as well, but do you think he's one of those people that just reacts very strongly to too much/too little stimulation? i think there's an "official" name for it, not that you're looking for a label, but maybe some of the techniques parents of those kids use would be useful to you guys?

sorry i don't have any more origial thoughts. :S

glad greta and mickey are doing well! that's awesome and in no small part thanks to the confidence they got in homeschool.

Anonymous said...

(and ignore my horrific spelling, wow.)

Kelley said...

I need to talk to you about what makes up an "appropriate" day for a 6 year old. I've got all kinds of plans for Matt, but I'm not sure how to implement them in ways that will hold his attention while teaching the importance of staying with something long enough to make it work.

Sounds like you're doing the right thing with Casey. Maybe what you're doing now will help me if/when I ever decide to take Josh out of school again.

Kelley said...

Oh, and the food idea might be a good one. I know there are some things that make Josh BALLISTIC if he eats them! I've also learned that messes really bother him. If the boys' room isn't spotless every night before they go to bed, we can almost guarantee and rough morning with him. If it's clean, we have a chance at a nice, quiet start to the day. He just seems so much happier when things are tidy.

Hawksbill said...

When we talked over gaming last weekend you sounded a million times better than you did right after coming home with Eska. I bet if you wait a few more weeks you'll feel even better still... more like your old self and a decision about Casey will come more natural and will seem self evident.

I would wait until whatever decision you make seems like the only obvious choice. And, of course, say "to hell" with anyone who might be judgmental about whatever choice that is.

"fuck 'em" is always good advice in my book. :)

Housefairy said...

Thank you, Amber for re-reminding me of the very real what-goes-in-comes-out food thing, especially for some kids.

Kelley no prob on a "proper day" for a six year old...give me a week or so to lay out my thoughts on that.

Hawksbill, thank you for another really heartfelt comment. It means alot to me :)