Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday School: no more

Today for school, um , to be perfectly frank, we drove Daddy to work at 9am and never came back home. I could tell by 6:15am that things were not right with my dear little fooligans. I was not about to try and do anything besides go go go. Letter G would have to wait : )

We went back to Kids Korner and not only was that a great idea, but they have the gymnasium open on Thursdays, so a truly acceptable and appropriate letting off of wild steam was had, and me and the baby didnt have to freeze our buns off in some frosty park! Hooray! The other Mamas flagrantly disobeyed the "no food or drinks" rule, which I think was for allergy children, so I might be naughty and have a coffee next time. then it would be actual paradise!

I love my kids, but it gets outrageously hard and draining by Thursday. what was so great on Monday just is not by Thursday. Thursday has always been this thing in our family because our Daddy (is that creepy when I say that? We are fast becoming those old couples who call each other mom and dad--just kidding! only on the blog--I think....) works until 8pm on Thursday night. So there is no family dinner. There is no helper. there is no break or end in sight, I have to do it all all all the day the afternoon the dinner the homework the cleanup the bedtime, too. Ok, so not usually the cleanup. Lol. ANYWAYS, Thursday is this weird day and if you peek back, last Thursday was bad too so we officialy (see? I am getting rhythms! yippee!) do not do our regular homeschool on Thursdays. Call it no school, call it field trip, call it what you like we go to kids korner now on Thursdays. I hope that cool babysitter girl is there everytime, too--she was so nice! She seemed like a nanny, maybe 20 years old, and we were swapping local places to take kids in the bad weather, little McDonalds with good or bad playscapes, etc. she was so nice! she totally understood what I was saying about everyplace around town, except when I came to the money or price part, her face went a little blank. haha. thats ok, she is a nanny, her employers give her money. whatever! I told her alot of places she hadnt been to and she told me about which libraries are flexible about the age-range for "toddler storytime". Awesome!

Anyhow, we went to kids korner, then we ate lunch out (! scandal! eleven dollars! so incredibly worth it! ) then we went to a park. It sounds like woo woo I am so brave and strong, but no, no, my friends, I am lazy and relaxin! The little kid energy was of the charts and outside, especially way outside like a big big park, there really isnt anything I have to say no to. The shout and scramble on the ground (I hate that in the house, the crawling and flopping on the ground--do your kids do that? Our house is too little for that it is awful!) and throw stuff and throw stuff and throw stuff. Whee! Childhood fun while Mama sits on her bum and waves. Yes, I am a hero. wink.
We didnt get home until Greta and Mickey were almost home. I was totally casual about dinner "sure, have an egg sandwhich, Greta. Yeah Mickey you can have some noodles. Sure, sure, have some cereal." nobody cared. I know that if I had one child we would do that all the time, and I also know that 5 kids and chaos equals horrific depression and badness so we only do this on Thursday evening now, but it was cool. the whole thing was cool. We are definitely going to do this again.

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