Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday School: G, black, and spiral

Sorry I havent had pictures lately. Out of batteries/too tired.

Today we did the letter Gg and the color black and the shape spiral. We cut spirals, talked about spirals in nature and had a rip roaringly successful color-walk: 220 black things on our street, I kid you not! Addresses, lampposts and garbage cans, as well as car tires were hugely numerous. It was fun and cold!

We sing the days of the week song and we even did some science, by reading in a darling old science book that I have called Nature Wonderland. We talked about feathers and fur, stems leaves and flowers, and insects having 6 legs. Both Casey and Charlie knew alot more than I thought, I think this is supposed to be like maybe a second grade book? Anyhow it was nice. A nice day of school. They were good boys and Casey is starting to see that I really slather on the praise when he is loving and brotherly towards Charlie. SO now he chases Charlie around hugging and kissing him (too hard of course) and I laugh. they also have shared a room for a while now but just now are starting to talk and laugh with each other before Charlie calls "Mama....." to have me or Steve get him out of the crib. I heard Casey trying to tell Charlie how to get out and I was like; "NO NO NO NON ONONONONON CASEY!!!!! COME TALK TO MAMA FOR A MINUTE, HONEY!"

I told him point blank that if he teaches Charlie to get out of his crib that my life would be over and he asked why and I said well we just really need Charlie to stay safe in there.......phew!.....NOt ready for that whole nightmare of big-boy-bed yet. not even close. I wonder if seasoned parents are as quick to push that as first timers, the big boy big girl bed crap? No thanks. Outside of cosleeping which I am all in favor of, I need to have those littles in their cribby-land until they are truly in need of access to the potty or the springs break. I couldnt be more serious. I think the crib is a cozy and safe haven for little ones and I really couldnt sleep if I wasnt certain that Junior wasn't nipping at the Drano, maybe its just me. We keep our kids in highchairs for a "long" time, too. It works for us.

Looking forward to the nice weekend! Steve is gonna take the kids to a cider mill and i get to stay home with Eskarina! YAY!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

You sound like you're having a great time. I'm sorry the library didn't work out like you had planned. We need to get out to our favorite park this week before it gets too cold to enjoy it anymore. I love your idea of focusing on one letter, one color, and one shape every day. :)