Friday, May 25, 2007

puttin myself out there


Ok, so I belong to 2 homeschool chat-boards, and I rarely post. Because there is nothing on these things besides "do you wanna go to the park" and then 500 replies about yes i wanna go to the park oh my gosh i cant go to the park (long description why they cant go).

Noone ever talks about homeschool, homeschooling, nothing. Occasionally there will be a little announcement of some book fair or some "do you like the YMCA swim lady or was she mean"

I just don't get that into it. I try and try. There are field trips but they seem to never be the right fit. Wierd times, expensive, far away...

But so I bared all a few days ago and posted a big post about my fears and issues surrounding our Home-School and what I was looking for, to be honest, were direct, experiential comments and suggestions, and yeah, maybe a little moral boost. I wanted to know who uses what brands of what educational products, did they suck, were they cool, and WHY.

but my Joy-ish way of speaking and writing got me a whole bunch of emotionally charged jaberwocky and a few good suggestions and a big SPAZ taget on my name, now, I fear.

why couldn't people say "We like Saxon Math. We tried Muzzy French and it wasn't for us because it was very reptitive and dull. We did Oak Meadow which was really gentle--perfect for my quiet nature girl but my older one hated the slow pace. We wanted to do The Well Trained Mind but it was very hard to follow and made us feel like we were failures. We love this one webiste for history called so and so dot com. For music, my kids do such and such. My one kid didnt read til he was 8 but my other one is 3 and can read. We like to play with magnets. Go easy on Toddlers and dont beat yourself up too much about the perfect house or the TV being evil. you are only human. "

See, the real punchline is that the answers are all inside my heart, and noone elses heart. Because it is my home and my kids and my homeschool.

I learn alot of lessons in life by putting myself out there and getting really embarassed and sometimes even trampled on. It is not my favorite but it is very true. Luckiliy, I have learned to "put myself out there" with people whom I only vaguely care about, and whose opinions of me I can afford to have be oh so off base.

This summer will be shapeshifting. Although we always have a "first day of school", we have never had a "last day of school" as it alwasy just naturally faded into birthdays and summertime...

But this year the last day of school is Friday June first. Saturday June second starts my quest.


Amanda said...

It doesn't really seem like you can catch a break whenever you try to reach out. I'm sorry. I guess I could be super cheesy and fake-optomistic and say that 'strong people are often dealt the roughest hand' or something

Well, just so you know, I think of you guys a lot and am so proud to be your friend. As a friend, I can also say that you really are doing a great job.

Housefairy said...

Thanks, Amanda! It means alot...and it's not that I am fishing for compliments, but life is just hard to see sometimes, "How Should We Then Live", and all that. I lose focus alot, being immersed (submerged) in this all.
I appreciate your kind words :)

sneakmastergeneral said...

Well you're way ahead of me in homeschool, but I can tell you that ummm...well, Gage likes crayons...that and coloring works well for us. He likes to count to 10 while stacking and unstacking various toys and objects. That's about it for homeschool at age 2 (he just turned two, weeee!)

Trish said...

Well, Joy, I have to agree that the answers to your post were disappointing. Since I feel the same way you do most of the time, I was really looking forward to real experiences, etc. Whatever.

I think you're doing wonderful!!!!! So there :-)