Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Charlie the poolman

Mickey the tarzan

Mickey jumping

Casey jumping

This morning we did a bit of a book called Draw Write Now, and we finished up our study about humidity. then we ate lunch with Daddy and started our Pool Party jamboree!

We brought out the little tent, towels, blankets, snacks, and have been playing out there since noon. the kids made up this big game about "pedicures" and have been covering thier feet with mud and then rinsing them off and then jumping in the pool as the "Final step" of the pedicure. PEDICURE! Where do they get this stuff--certainly not from me, who has not been inside a salon in years...but very fun and funny nonetheless.

Charlie is so brave about being drenched in cold hose water, and is now deeply asleep in his crib. I have snuck in to write this blog entry and to obsessively check if any jobs called me back. also to make iced tea the quick n painless way:

microwave a cup of water with 3 tea bags in it

dump the hot dark tea over a big glass of ice and lemon juice and cold water


Steve only works til 5 today and the day is going by wonderfully fast and we are all barefoot and this is really fun. This evening he and the kids are going to play Battlelore while I add some toner to my canary yellow head and maybe go to the library or something. Last night I went on a walk with Charlie for exercise but it is 80 degrees today and Mama don't exercise when it is 80. :)

Hope our whole summer is this fun!

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