Sunday, August 12, 2007

4 o'clock freak out!

I mentioned a few months back that the 4 o'clock hour is a hard one for us, and that we have even resorted to encouraging running and screaming, random baths, and other kinds of stuff to get us from this "afternoon-to-Daddy's -home" weird time.

I don't know about this year. It differs with the seasons, of course. We could go to a park now, or swim or something. But that 4 o'clock is still weird. 4 to 5.

I was thinking maybe we could all do something together, like circle time. But since I have completely obliterated my "mommy time" which used to be during nap (we all did school in the morning in the past, and then I would give littles naps and the bigs could have some free time while I, ummm I dunno, chilled out a little? Folded clothes, used the computer, had a phone call) I don't know if I will be up for circle time after "doing school" from like dawn until 4 or something.

But I am still keeping 4 o'clock in my head.

5 o'clock is evening. It doesn't matter if it is high sun, 90 degrees, or totally dark January. 5 is evening, supper, etc. 4 is just...the witching hour :)

p.s. if I REALLY had my way, this would be when I prepared dinner. But I cant leave the kids and go lock myself in the kitchen when the 4 oclock evils are upon them. It seems like they will do all sorts of bad things, fighting, hurting, wrecking, crying, pouting, and it can set the most hideous tone for the rest of the night. So, even when I most want to run away and scream, I think they need me most at this time.


Trish said...

See, this is when it's a bummer that we're not neighbors! The kids could play together about this time, and leave time for cooking and relaxing for moms!

Do your kids like to cook with you? I know that it takes WAY longer to do it with them, but maybe just having them cut up some veggies for salad or some fruit for dessert would give them something to do? Or maybe "kitchen crafts" like playing with a tray of cornmeal or mushing play dough?

Anyway, I wish you well with the 4 o'clock hour!

Kelley said...

I agree that this time can make or break the whole rest of the day.

kris said...

well, maybe this is when the evils of watching a movie could come in handy??

i do it sometimes in the late afternoon, i've kept them away from the tv all day and then let them pick, or this is when 2 of them get up from naps and they ride their bikes or they neighbor kids start knocking on the door to play, which presents me w/ a new issue as this is the time istart dinner and now i have extras around to watch....ah, it never ends does it!?

Housefairy said...

Oh yes we definately do movies and tv, but sometimes they cant seem to handle this somehow, even. Or ages 1-10 argue about what to watch? Sigh. I like the show ZOOM on PBS at this time alot. Greta and Mickey love Cyberchase, which is all about math, but it annoys me to no end! It is so harsh and peskery---maybe this could be on while i go retreat to the kitchen.

My kids love to cook with me, but it is mainly Charlie. I cant have him in the kitchen whatsoever. I need two of me! One to hang out with the baby and one to do all the rest!
Maybe I could give Charlie some flour to fake mix or something....