Friday, August 3, 2007

field trip

Yesterday we went to the Detroit Science Center. It was fun! We needed a way to pass the hot hot day with Steve working until 8pm. It seemed like everyone else in the world had the same idea, it was kind of crowded--but fun!

Like so many places we go to, there is a big rush of school busses and they all leave by 1:30 or so and then we have the place(s) to ourselves. Ahhh...

This year steve got some birthday money, and he was going to get us all a zoo pass. But then I pointed out the facts that the zoo is very limited---weather, weather, weather mainly--and the museum passes you can go to so many more places, any day, any time, and is much more likely to be a place I will take the four kids by myself than the zoo, even though I LOVE the zoo!

We had a really great time. We left at 10:30 and got home at 5pm. I wish I had taken some pictures.

Today we had a huge turnout at Homeschool park day which was fantastic. There are tons of ideas swirling around about us as a group taking some classes at various local places. Nature centers, art institutes, stores, foreing language centers, even a gym class to be taught by someone at a local workout place.

Greta might be taking a Waldorf-styled art class taught by one of the mothers in our group. This seems right up her alley.

I have to stop worrying so much about if I can afford something Times Three, and grasp that it is normal and ok for just one child to get to take a class here and there, if there is a strong interest, you know?

Have a great weekend! Keep cool!


kris said...

luv field trips! and i so get what you mean about worrying if they can ALL get something, i go thru that too. i wanted to share these links with you:

they're a couple of preschool sites, only the 1st one has stuff up to i think 5th grade. we really like them...

Trish said...

Funny that you're more likely to take the kids to a museum by yourself. I'm more likely to take them to the zoo :-) Mostly because we live so close. The weather is a big deal with the zoo, though.

I've got a weird fear of driving in Detroit. All those one-way streets scare me - I'm afraid I'll be drawn further and further from where I want to be! Silly, huh?

I say we work out some sort of kid swap thing so you don't have to make the other kids sit and wait for the kid who's in a class. For years Julia has had nightly things to do, and all of us sit around and wait for her! Now Tommy is starting, too. Julia would LOVE to take an art class - is she too old for the Waldorf one?

Whatever, I'll talk to you soon!

Housefairy said...

OOh Kris, thank you! I have heard of starfall but never checked it out! I can't wait to look at them both. I always am searching for new websites and links.

Trish-- I know museum seems fancy like AAAK four kids-but I stick with the kid freindly hands on stuff, especially places with "little kid areas" which are always the greatest places--we H A V E to go to the science center together. The way to get there is SO easy you will crack up. Ill tell you in person.

Kid swap is all a part of my fall fanatasies, so excited to do this and expand the horizons of all of our kids--the ones taking classes AND the ones who might not have to rot in cars all winter this year :) or get pneumonia from the petri dish that is the mall playscape!

Housefairy said...

I adore the zoo, do not get me wrong. I just have memories of it being the GINOURMOUS burning hot 40 mile trek of misery and Lions who are asleep and sunburns and 4 dollar pops...

That all came out horribly! I love the zoo! It just seems hard with the littles. I end up so frazzed that I barely care about the Emu or whoever. I wish I could go with just Steve, lol
or maybe
just no Charlie