Thursday, July 26, 2007

Somebody tell the toddler our motto, please

Our littlest homeschooler, Charlie, is showing some tell tale signs that he is going to be 2 in a few months, I am afraid to say!

Here are some of the angel's new favorite tricks:
Ripping off his diaper if it is accessible in anyway.
Ripping off all of his clothes in seconds, literally if you dare to turn away.
Hitting people.
Biting people.
Throwing foods, especially wet or sticky ones.
Devouring crayons and markers. He JUST started this, when I was proclaiming he "doesnt eat crayons"
Running AWAY when you call his name.
Shutting the book when you are reading it.
Coming up to me if I am on the computer and beating on the keyboard and trying to push my hand away.
Body slamming himself into you when you say "No" and then headbutting you in the stomach while crying.

Why oh why do the most gentle of 1 year olds have to go through this? I know they are angry that they can't communicate what they think as well as they need to, and I know they want me to let the entire household shut down so I can sit on the floor and eat candy, but sheesh! The violence! The rage! The purposeful hurting wrecking AND wasting!
Well, I had better stop typing this. Charlie just pressed open on the CD player, and when the little door slowly came out, he pulled it hard and the whole boombox just fell on the floor. He didnt cry or look sad or regretful in any way. He just walked away, looking to spread his love to another small appliance that we never had to put out of reach for him because he was such a chilled out baby.
I think those days are behind us now!
Wish me luck..............


Kelley said...

I seriously do wish you luck. My "baby" is 2 1/2 and he has recently decided to get mouthy and angry and ORNERY! Gracious, where did my calm, patient baby go? His brothers used to steam-roll him along the floor, not being mean, just playing, and he wouldn't even make a peep. Now they can't look cross-eyed at him without him starting to howl. I know it is a phase, but it is making me crazy. I've recently discovered that the corner is an excellent place to put him when no amount to loving and calm-talking can make a dent in his tantrum-throwing. He is so sweet when he isn't going nuts!

Trish said...

Ohhhh - not sweet baby-doll Charlie! :-(

Just remember that he will outgrow this! The others did :-) How frustrating while you wait for the phase to pass!

I am picturing him right now tossing paper over his shoulder as he stands at his little table. Why DO they do that? They all do, though!
Good luck!

Housefairy said...

Truly, truly Hurting Wrecking and Wasting.

I might try putting him in the corner when he gets a little bit older. I know right now he wouldnt get it at all. At this phase I have to just take him to a totally new activity. Or bust out some more popsicles.

Bless us all with the 2 year olds. they are so, so cute looking for a reason, I am quite convinced.

Housefairy said...

One more tidbit--it always floored me with laughter when I announced a new pregnancy and certain folks shreiked "you cant homeschool with a baby!!"

I always thought hmmpf, come and see me in a year or two when my little blankie bundle is literally eating the curriculum
Its all hard
Its all good