Thursday, March 8, 2007

Poor forgotten Library!

The Library used to be our LIFE. I am serious, our LIFE. Like Farmer Jack is for some people, I mean, we went to the library all the time. Day and night. 4 times a week. Books everywhere. Due dates scrawled all over the place. and now, we havent gone in months. Did I really just type that? MONTHS?! Wow.

You see, as I have whined and moaned about for along time now, we have no minivan. So we are stuck at home, living the stereotype, kids and Mommy, all day long. Just like I used to get so angry about when people thought thats what we did, well, we do. Just Mommy. Kitchen Table. Winter Madness. Yes.

When Steve gets home, I could take the little car and go to the library. It fits 2-3 kids and one adult. But I have been SO flipped out lately that I just havent had it in me. My back is still messed up, and groaning and sitting wierd in public is different than at home. Im kinda done with chitty chat and mamamamamamamama and my cheer has often left the building by 6pm. WOW this sounds mean! But its true.

So in the evenings, when we could/should be going to the library, or I could go by myself, we have instead done swimming, movie watching, sledding, running errands etc.

Tonight starts our family evening theme (god I hope,I am so done with chaos and stepping in parmesan noodles and fighting) of me having dinner ready AT 5:30, and us immediately doing the pjs and dark movie thing. We started up Netflix again and are going to start with the good old Disney ones like Melody Time and Aristocats and stuff.

I wanted evenings to be Swimming for me and one kid, and the others saty home and watch movie. On the nights there was no swimming I was going to go out. This was a move to preserve my sanity. We are still committed to it but it hasnt really gotten off the ground all the way.

Excited for movie night

Excited for library

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