Friday, March 2, 2007

We thought this was cool!

Here is a really cute duct tape wallet!It comes in so many neat colors, why not? *LOL*

Really cute duct tape flowers

Duct Tape Flip Flops

Duct Tape Beach Bag

Duct Tape Bracelet

Duct Tape Purses,1789,HGTV_3227_3264655,00.htmlEven

more wacky craft ideas

Here's a girl that made a dress out of it.

Duct Tape Prom Dress Contest


Wedgehead said...

As an anal retentive, semi-OCD, semi-perfectionist, Full-time needer-of-things-to-be-in-order-all-the time, I can't approve of the product entitled "Duck Tape". I remember working a Meijers, in the home improvement department, and thinking how retarded "Duck Tape" brand duct tape was. And I still think it's retarded and I think it should be banned from all store shelves and from the face of the earth! ITS DUCT TAPE, YOU RETARDS HOW MAKE THIS PRODUCT!!!! ITS NAMED FOR ITS ORIGINAL PURPOSE!!!!!

Wedgehead said...